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Jul. 18-20, 2023


Content Advisory: Rumors is a farcical play by Neil Simon that premiered in 1988 and ran for more than 500 performances on Broadway. It is an adult comedy, featuring adults, using adult language about adult situations including but not limited to... adultery. This light-hearted comedy includes a series of hilarious confusions whereby Mr. Simon offers his characters a lengthy list of colorful vocabulary that is not appropriate for all audiences.


At a large, tastefully-appointed townhouse, the Deputy Mayor has just shot himself. Though it's only a flesh wound, the self-inflicted injury sets off a series of events causing four couples to experience a severe attack of farce. As their tenth wedding anniversary party commences, Charlie lies bleeding in another room, and his wife Myra is nowhere in sight. The first guests scramble to get “the story” straight before the other guests arrive.  Miscommunications mount, and the evening spins off into comedy hysterics.

Performances Sep. 12-16, 2023

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Oct. 22-24, 2023

It's A Wonderful Life - A Live Radio Play

A fresh approach to the beloved American holiday classic! Join the live studio audience while the play comes to captivating life during a1940s radio broadcast. An ensemble cast tells the story of idealistic George Bailey as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve. It will take help from a lovable angel to show him what life would be like if he wasn’t born for George to have a change of heart and understand the true spirit of the holidays. 

Performances Dec. 12-16, 2023

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Mar. 3-5, 2024

Of Mice And Men

Content Advisory: With themes of social exclusion based on race, disability and gender, Of Mice and Men stays true to the original novel (1937), exposing the depths of the characters and inviting conversations around difficult topics set against the brutality of the time.

The play contains sensitive content including topics that cover racism, ableism, sexism, violence, assault, murder, death, plus some strong and offensive language.

Two drifters, George and his friend Lennie, with delusions of living off the “fat of the land,” have just arrived at a ranch to work for enough money to buy their own place. Lennie is a man-child, a little boy in the body of a dangerously powerful man. It’s Lennie’s obsessions with things soft and cuddly that have made George cautious about who the gentle giant, with his brute strength, associates with. His promise to allow Lennie to “tend to the rabbits” on their future land keeps Lennie calm, amidst distractions. But when a ranch boss’ promiscuous wife is found dead in the barn, the obvious conclusion is one that pits George against his own conscience.

Performances Apr. 16-20, 2024

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Aug. 29, 31, 2023

The Importance of Being Earnest

Adapted by Gary Peterson to a one-act format, Earnest is considered by many to be the wittiest of English comedies ever. Good friends Algernon Moncrieff and Jack Worthing both have created fictitious personalities to help them avoid their social obligations. Jack, in fact, lives a completely double life. At his country home, he is ward of the lovely Cecily, and goes by his given name, Jack. While in the city visiting his pal and courting Algernon’s beautiful cousin Gwendolen, he is Ernest. Hilarity ensues as Algernon travels to the country and also takes on the false identity of Ernest in order to court Cecily. When the two lovely ladies realize they are both engaged to Ernest Worthing, it takes much earnest — and hysterical — conversation before true love can prevail. Specially-priced daytime performances available for schools Wednesday, Oct. 25. Contact

Performances Oct. 26-28,  2023

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Jul. 30 - Aug. 2, 2023

Mean Girls Jr.

The Plastics have deemed Broadway Junior worthy of their presence in Mean Girls JR! This "fetch" musical from book writer Tina Fey (30 Rock), lyricist Nell Benjamin (Legally Blonde) and composer Jeff Richmond (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) tames the original content, but remains packed with keen wit, an undeniably catchy score, and a sincere message for everyone.

Cady Heron may have grown up on an African savanna, but nothing prepared her for the wild and vicious ways of her strange new home: suburban Illinois. How will this naïve newbie rise to the top of the popularity pecking order? By taking on The Plastics, a trio of lionized frenemies led by the charming but ruthless Regina George. Cady and her friends devise a "Revenge Party" to end Regina’s reign with Cady going undercover as an aspiring Plastic. When the lines between the real Cady and her Plastic self get blurred, she must find her way back to herself and her true friends.

Performances Feb. 8-10, 2024

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Apr. 6, 2024

Get Smart

"Would you believe that seven police boats are closing in on us right now?" asks Maxwell Smart to the head of KAOS who now holds him captive. When the master criminal responds skeptically, the straight-faced Smart asks, "Would you believe six?" This bright comedy-satire sends Smart off on a bizarre new case in which he must stop the sinister organization known as KAOS from their most shameful plot. Their plan this time is to prove their power by blowing up the Statue of Liberty! This is too much, and Smart springs — uh, stumbles —into action. Magnificently assisted by beautiful Agent 99, Smart proceeds from one gigantic blunder to another— each, however, somehow turning into a master stroke.

Performances Jun. 6-8, 2024

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Sep. 17-19, 2023

How To Eat Like A Child

Universal and timeless, Delia Ephron's How to Eat Like a Child is a delightful revisiting of the joys -- and tricky ploys -- of childhood. This musical romp through offers 23 lessons in such subjects as how to beg for a dog, how to torture your sister, how to act after being sent to your room, and how to laugh hysterically. The pace is fast, the tone subversive, and the recognition instant by audiences young and old. Based on the book, the musical version began its life as an NBC primetime special starring Dick Van Dyke. It was an immediate hit and has enjoyed thousands of productions all over the the world where kids smuggle their least favorite vegetables to the garbage instead of eating them. Specially-priced daytime performances available for schools Wednesday, Nov. 15. Contact

Performances Nov. 16-18, 2023

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Dec. 3 2:00 PM

Dec. 4 6:00 PM

Dec. 5 6:00 PM callbacks only

Little Shop of Horrors

Feed the need for musical hilarity with this delicious sci-fi smash about a man-eating plant. Little Shop Of Horrors has devoured the hearts of theatre goers for over 30 years. Howard Ashman and Alan Menken (Disney's The Little Mermaid, Beauty And The Beast, and Aladdin) are the creative geniuses behind what has become one of the most popular shows in the world.

The meek floral assistant Seymour Krelborn stumbles across a new breed of plant he names "Audrey II" - after his coworker crush. This foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivore promises unending fame and fortune to the down and out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. Over time, though, Seymour discovers Audrey II's out of this world origins and intent towards global domination!

Performances Feb. 27 - Mar. 2, 2024

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Year Round


Get backstage with SEACT! A full production season that includes main stage and student productions requires extra help from behind the curtain. SEACT has development opportunities for all levels of experience to get involved with technical aspects such as construction, costuming, and lighting, and positions of administration like House Manager, Publicity, and Ushers. Our volunteers are committed to providing excellent SEACT experiences to the audience, and to our students. Volunteers within 24 months of activity hold Membership with SEACT including voting rights and a stake in SEACT governance and future.

Volunteer today!

More Info

Audition schedules and methods are at the discretion of the Director, but these general guidelines apply to most SEACT auditions:

  • Several dates are usually listed for an audition. You may audition on any or all of those dates. However, if you are unable to attend all of the dates, please let the producer or director know. In general, the more a director sees you, the more significant impression you can make.

  • Typically, a limited number of scripts are available to review two weeks prior to auditions. Contact the SEACT office to make an appointment. Scripts may not be removed from the SEACT office.

  • You will be asked to complete an audition form requesting your personal information (name, address, telephone numbers, email address, age, previous acting experience (if any), roles you are interested in, etc. You may also have your digital photo taken. There may also be legal releases or waivers. If you are under the age of 19, have a parent present.

  • Be honest on your audition form. List rehearsal conflicts. Know going in that these might affect how you are cast and whether or not you are cast. Depending on your role, the director may be able to work around them.

  • Auditions may be open or closed, at the discretion of the director.

  • You do not need any previous acting experience to audition.

  • Unless otherwise posted, wear something comfortable and neutral in color and style. A director must be able to imagine you in different roles and that is difficult if you appear dressed in any particular style.

  • Wear close-toed shoes you can dance in for musicals that may include a choreography audition. The more comfortable you are, the more you can focus on pouring yourself into the reading, the dance, or the song.

  • If the production is a musical, you may be given an opportunity to learn and sing part of a song from the show in a group. If you are interested in a lead or featured role as opposed to the chorus, you may be asked to sing first in a small group and then solo on stage.

  • You may be given the opportunity to perform basic dance steps in a group with instruction from the choreographer.

  • You may be paired or grouped with one or more other people auditioning and be given a scene or section of a scene from the production to read. Often each person auditioning will be asked to go through the process of reading with several different partners during the audition period.

  • Once the auditions have taken place, most often the cast list is posted the next day. This list can be found at and usually our social media. 

  • Rehearsals are normally held from 2 PM until 5 PM on Sundays, and from 6 or 6:30 PM until 8:30 or 9 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  These rehearsals usually begin the Thursday after auditions and last until opening night. The closer the rehearsals get to opening night, the more likely the director will schedule daily rehearsals, including Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

  • Performances for season productions are normally scheduled Tuesday through Saturday nights at 7:00 PM. Cast call for performances is usually one hour prior to the performance time. If you have additional make-up or costume requirements, your call time may be earlier. You must not have any conflicts with any of the performance and call times.

  • Set strike may be scheduled for the Saturday night after the last performance or the following Sunday. Participation in set strike is considered mandatory for all cast and crew, unless otherwise directed.


SEACT welcomes new faces, though your first try may seem intimidating. You’re only the new kid on the block once. After your first SEACT production, your only question will be, “When can I come back?”

Southeast Alabama Community Theatre (SEACT) has a mission to enrich the cultural lives of Wiregrass residents through the presentation of high quality theatre, to provide creative opportunities to talented individuals to perform on stage and behind the scenes, and to introduce the theatrical experience to school-aged children. SEACT is a 501(c) organization and depends on the support of its community to bring theatre to life in the Wiregrass. The organization is funded through season tickets, sponsorships, advertising, and donations.

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