SEACT productions are performed at two locations for reserved-seating events. Both locations are ADA accessible.
The Cultural Arts Center is home to the SEACT offices, and additional rented space for shop work, costumes and props. The auditorium seats 300 with approximately 90 chairs on the floor in front of the stage and 200 chairs on stadium-style risers with two rows of seating per riser. The SEACT office handles Patron seat reservations and public ticket sales.

SEACT is proud to utilize the Dothan Opera House for a number of its performances. The city built it in 1915, a facility where the acoustics are so good that the Atlanta Symphony chose it as the place to make their recordings. The Victorian-styled center of Dothan's cultural life is on the National Register of Historic Buildings. The Dothan Opera House is a beautiful 589-seat theatre. Part of the contract requirement for this venue includes mandatory use of the City of Dothan Box Office and technical crew.